After reading this article you will learn about the quality of water suitable for laundry work. Hard Water: The presence of some of the important dissolved impurities in water makes it unsuitable for washing of clothes. These dissolved impurities are compounds of calcium, magnesium and iron salts in water. They cause hardness in water which […]
Tag Archives | Home Science
Essay on Dry Cleaning | Fabrics | Laundry Work | Home Science
In this essay we will discuss about the process of dry cleaning of a fabric. Washing or cleansing of fabrics may be possible by two processes: (1) Wet cleaning: Cleansing with water and soap or detergent. (2) Dry cleaning: Cleansing with grease solvents and absorbent other then soap solution and water. Some fine, rich and […]
Detergents: Advantages and Disadvantages | Laundry Work | Home Science
After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Detergents 2. Advantages of Detergents 3. Disadvantages. Meaning of Detergents: Detergent is “a product which is capable of cleansing” as per Dictionary. So any substance which has cleansing action is known as detergent. Soap is also a type of detergent. Today the synthetic detergents […]
Soap: Composition and Types | Cleansing Agents | Home Science
After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of a Soap 2. Composition of a Soap 3. Properties 4. Action 5. Manufacture 6. Types. Meaning of a Soap: Soap is the best cleansing agent for washing of fabrics from a long period of time. The discovery of soap has brought a revolutionary change […]
9 Main Varieties of Soaps | Cleansing Agents | Laundry Work | Home Science
This article throws light upon the nine main varieties of soaps used in laundry work. The soaps are: 1. Bar Soaps 2. Neutral Soaps 3. Toilet Soaps 4. Disinfectant Soaps 5. Solvent Soaps 6. Shaving Soaps 7. Soap Solution 8. Soap Flakes 9. Soap Powders. Variety # 1. Bar Soaps: These are hard soaps which […]
Difference between Soap and Detergent | Cleansing Agents | Home Science
Though soap is a type of detergent, there are some differences between soap and present day soapless detergents: 1. The Chief constituent of soaps are fats or oils and alkalies. But the chief constituent of detergent is an inexhaustible material known as hydrocarbons or petrochemicals. 2. Soap preparation is expensive and the production process is […]
Application of Pressure for Removing Dirt from Clothes | Home Science
After reading this article you will learn about the application of pressure for removing dirt from clothes. The applications are: 1. Application of Friction 2. Application of Light Pressure 3. Application of the Principles of Suction 4. Washing Machine. 1. Application of Friction: Friction is applied for washing of cotton, linen, and other strong materials. […]
Washing Equipments Used in Laundry | Laundry Work | Home Science
Some of the important washing equipments used in laundry are: 1. Tubs and Buckets 2. Boilers 3. Bowls and Basins 4. Scrubbing Board 5. Scrubbing Brush 6. Suction Washer 7. Washing Machine 8. Finishing Equipment 9. Irons 10. Ironing Board or Table. Equipment # 1. Tubs and Buckets: These are very much essential for washing […]
Washing and Finishing of Garments | Laundry Work | Home Science
After reading this article to learn about the methods of washing and finishing of cotton, silk and woolen garments. Laundering of clothes consists of two processes: 1. The process of removing dirt. 2. The process of finishing them to regain the appearance of neatness of a new fabric. The process of washing and finishing includes […]
How to Prepare a Flower Basket? | Hindi | Crafts | Home Science
The following article will guide you to learn in Hindi about how to prepare a flower basket. सामाग्री: टिंटेड पेपर, गेहूँ और ज्वार की सींकें, मकई के पत्ते, सूखे डंठल, फेविकोल, ब्लेड, कैंची । पूर्व तैयारी: गेहूँ की सीकों को तिरछा काटकर उनकी पंखुड़ियाँ बनाओ । मकई के पत्तों की छोटी-छोटी गोल चकतियाँ तैयार करो […]
Development of a Child | Home Science
Read this article in Hindi language to learn about the growth and development of a child. वृद्धि एवं विकास: (Growth and Development): प्रत्येक बालक में जन्म के बाद विभिन्न प्रकार के परिवर्तन एवं बढ़ने की प्रक्रिया चलती रहती है तथा यह क्रमश: शैशवावस्था से बाल्यावस्था एवं बाल्यावस्था से किशोरावस्था तथा किशोरावस्था के आगे बढ़ती जाती […]
Growth of a Child in Hindi | Home Science
Read this article in Hindi language to learn about the meaning, definition and laws of growth of a child. वृद्धि का अर्थ: (Meaning of Growth) वृद्धि से तात्पर्य है: शरीर की लम्बाई तथा भार में वृद्धि होना । अत: शरीर का आकार व भार बढ़ता है । विकास शारीरिक विकास तक ही सीमित नहीं रहता […]
9 Main Stages of Development in a Child | Home Science
Read this article in Hindi language to learn about the nine main stages of development in the child. The stages are: 1. Physical Development 2. Mental Development 3. Motor Development 4. Emotional Development 5. Cognitive Development 6. Social Development 7. Moral Development 8. Language Development 9. Character Development. किसी भी बालक का विकास केवल एक […]
Top 15 Principles of Child Development | Hindi
Read this article in Hindi language to learn about the top fifteen principles of child development. बाल विकास के सिद्धान्त निम्नलिखित हैं: Principle # 1. विकास अवस्था के अनुसार बढ़ता है: बच्चों का विकास अनेक अवस्थाओं से गुजरता है । अत: विकास की वृद्धि को एक अवस्था से दूसरी अवस्था की भिन्नता से पहचानो जा […]
Growth in a Child in Hindi
Read this article in Hindi language to learn about the three main aspects of growth in a child. The aspects are: 1. Physical Growth Cycle 2. Common Effects of Growth Cycles 3. Rhythms of Growth. सामान्यत: वृद्धि के अग्र महत्वपूर्ण चरण होते हैं: Aspect # 1. शारीरिक वृद्धि चक्र (Physical Growth Cycle): शारीरिक वृद्धि चक्र […]
Short Paragraph on Adolescence
Read this short paragraph in Hindi language to learn about the period of adolescence in an individual’s life. किशोरावस्था का अर्थ व परिभाषा (Meaning and Definition of Adolescence): किशोरावस्था लैटिन भाषा का शब्द है जिसका अर्थ है: ‘परिपक्वता की ओर वृद्धि करना’ । किशोरावस्था वह अवस्था है जो कि परिपक्वता (puberty) से शुरू होकर, उस […]