Harmonic Mean (HM) is defined as the reciprocal of the arithmetic average of the reciprocal of the value of various items.
It can be solved through the following formula:
In Case of Individual Series:
Example 1:
Calculate the HM from the following data:
X: 18 12 16 21 7 9
Calculation of HM:
HM = N/∑(1/x)= 6/1.0358 =5.7926
In case of Discrete Series:
HM = N/or∑f/∑(f/x)
Example 2:
Find the value of HM
HM N/∑f/x =50/4.213 = 11.868
In case of continuous series:
HM = N or ∑f/∑(f/m)
where, HM = harmonic mean
m = mid-value of various class intervals.
N = number of items in a series.
Example 3:
Calculate HM from the following data:
H.M. = ∑f/∑f/x = 95/3.9 = 24.36
Merits and Demerits:
1. It is mostly used to compute the average speed.
2. It is simple to understand.
3. It has rigidity.
4. It include all the items in a given series.
5. It gives the weight of all the items according to their importance in a given series.
6. It is time and rate based, because of this reason, it gives the best result than other.
1. It is difficult to calculate.
2. Its calculation is not possible if the zero or negative items are given in a series.
3. Sometimes, it assigns of more weights to the small items.
4. It is effected by the extreme values.
Relation between Arithmetic Mean (AM), Geometric Mean (GM) and Harmonic Mean (HM):
There is a relationship between AM, GM and HM. This relation can be defined through following points:
1. The geometric mean of the two positive numbers is same as the GM of their arithmetic mean and harmonic mean.
GM = VAM × √HM
Where GM = Geometric mean
AM = Arithmetic mean
HM = Harmonic mean
2. When the original values differ in size in any distribution, that is, AM is greater than GM and GM is greater than HM.
AM > GM > HM
3. When in the series, the values are equal then AM is equal to GM and GM is equal to HM.
AM = GM = HM