The Parliament House in new Delhi is a massive circular edifice measuring about 170.69 meters (560 feet) in diameter and 536.33 meters (one-third a mile) in circumference. The magnificent building stands unique among the new buildings built later. The continuous open verandah on the first floor, fringed with a colonnade of 144 creamy sandstone columns, each standing 8.23 meters (27 feet high), lends an unparalleled grandeur to the building. While India’s new capital was designed by Sir Edward Lutyens, the Parliament House was designed by Sir Hervert Baker.

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The original plan for New Delhi, prepared in 1911, had not provided for a Legislature building. A decision to build a legislature building was taken after the First World War and after the introduction of Montague-Chelmsford reforms. The design for the structure was approved in 1919, and the foundation stone was laid on February 12, 1921 by the Duke of Connaught. The Works Department (CPWD) under the supervision of Chief Engineers Sir Hugh Kelling and Sir Alexander Rouse. The construction cost of the project was Rs. 83 lakh. The black marble used in the columns of the Chambers of the two Houses of Parliament came from Gaya in Bihar; the white and hued marble which lines the walls of the present Library Hall came from Makrana in Rajasthan; the teak and other wooden material used for doors from Assam and Burma; and rosewood from South India. The Parliament House covers an area of six acres and has 12 gates. The opening House ceremony of the Parliament House building was performed on January 18,1927 by then Viceroy and Governor-General of India, Lord Irwin (1926-1931).