The destruction of Karma particles, the seeds of limitations, is called Nirjara. These particles are the ones already adhering to the self. The above-mentioned sixty two methods can prevent any further addition of Karma particles but it is equally essential to destroy the old Karma particles that is why Nirjara is needed. In order to precipitate to this state, it is essential to sacrifice bad qualities like attachment, etc., and to have nidihyasana. This makes the mind flexible and pure and the Jiva can recognize the soul situated in its own body. With this the person endeavoring is bereft of his pain and the ultimate end of life, philosophy and religion, self realization is experienced.
Distinction of Nirjara:
Nirjara has two distinctions- bhavanirjara and dravyanirjara. When in the affective state a feeling of Nirjara grows, is called Bhavanirjara. After this the actual destruction of Karma particles re-siding in the self is called dravyanirjara. Bhavanirjara too has two distinctions. When the particles are automatically destroyed after enjoyment it is called avipaka or karma bhavanirjara. But if these karmas are destroyed even before enjoyment is finished, it is then called ‘savipaka’ or rakama bhavanirjara. The second requires internal meditaion. Anashana, avamodarya, control in food, vritti sankshepa, Limited diet, rasatyaga, vivikta shaiyasan, kayaklesh are six external penances. Remorse humility, vayya vritti or service of saint, self study or svadhyaya, vyutsarg or indifference to object and meditation are six internal penances.