This is generally issued by the Principal of a College or Headmaster of a High School giving details of subjects studied by the student, number of years spent by the student in College/ School, his character and something about his special abilities like arranging dramas, proficiency in sports, sharing in debates, etc.
Practical forms of some of the testimonials are given below:
An Open Testimonial
Company Name
To Whom it May Concern
This is to certify that Mr……………………… has been in our service as a Stenographer from …………………(date), to ………………………(date).
During this period of service we were thoroughly satisfied with his hard work, intelligence and willingness of carrying out the orders of his superiors. We are sorry that the recent fall in our business compels us to dispense with his service. However, we wish him success and are pleased to recommend him for the post of a clerk in any commercial office.