Sample complaint letter regarding non-execution of an order.
Company name,
Sub.: Complaint regarding non-execution of the order.
Dear Sirs,
With further reference to our order No. 103 dated …………………, placed through your representative, ……………………………………, we regret to say that we have neither received the goods nor have we heard anything in this matter.
As the goods are urgently required, we shall appreciate if you could dispatch the same immediately.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For ……………………………………
Sd/- ……………………………………

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Reply to the above complaint letter
Sub.: dispatch of goods confirmed.
Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your letter dated ………………….
We could not execute the order at the promised date as, items No. 2 and 3 of your older were not ready with us. Since these items formed the bulk of your order, we had to wait till the gods were available. However, the goods have now been dispatched, on ………………… (date) and we hope you would have received a copy of our invoice which was sent under separate post on the same date.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For ……………………………………,
Sd/- ……………………………………