This is a sample letter of acknowledgement and acceptance of order for supply of the goods.
Dear Sir
We thankfully acknowledge the receipt of your order form dated 17th June, for the supply of the following books :
Name of the Item Quantity Rate Total Amount(Rs.)
PMT Guide 20 nos. Rs. 30/- = 600.00
IIT Made Easy nos. 30 Rs. 50/- =1500.00
GK (Idle) 80 nos. Rs. 100/- = 8000.00
Total – Rs 10,100/-
We hereby confirm the acceptance of the order at additional 5% discount on cash payment. Please note that the goods as above will be sent to you in three, monthly lots; in July, August and September. The first lot will be dispatched on ………(date) and the other lots will also be dispatched upto on ………(date) of the coming months.
We request you to ensure the payment within three days of receipt of each lot, to avail the discount.
Thanking you in anticipation,
Yours faithfully
Manager (Sales)