Complaint letter regarding excess telephone bill.
The Account Manager
Telephone Service Provider Name
Dear Sir.
Re: Telephone No. …………………
I have just received your bill No. ………………… dated ………………… for the is quarter regarding my telephone No. …………………, which seems to be much in excess of the previous bills.
In this bill there are certain errors, which I want to bring to your notice for rectification. First of all 17 phonograms have been shown in the bill. Secondly I have been charged for two trunk calls to Japan.
I am sure there is some error in your accounting or there is some mix up somewhere. I request you to kindly look into the matter and get my telephone bill corrected. Otherwise, I shall be obliged if you can produce the details regarding the telegrams as well as the trunk calls made to Japan.
I am sending back the telephone bill for your ready reference and necessary correction. The payment for this quarter will be made as soon as a rectified bill is sent to me.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
…………………………… (Name)

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