Special features of India’s struggle for freedom which contributed to India’s rich heritage :
- Indians opposed the discriminatory and racialist policies of the Government. It was against all sorts of discrimination. Mahatma Gandhi made social reforms as a part of the programme of the nationalist movement in India. His greatest achievement in the field of social reform was the campaign against the inhuman institution of untouchability which had degraded millions of Indians to the level of animals. Thus treating people equally without any caste, distinction and economic status is one of the biggest contributions of India’s freedom struggle to India’s rich heritage.

Image Source: webneel.com/wallpaper/sites/default/files/images/07-2013/gandhi-jayanthi15-wallpaper.jpg
- The concept of Non-violence (Ahimsa) as one of the most sacred methods of achieving the objectives of independence, was given to the world by India.
- Patriotism: Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak gave the slogen “Freedom is my birth right. I shall achieve it.” Similarly people from all walks of life without caring for their safety and well-being jumped into the freedom movement.
- Sacrifice: As said above, people sacrificed their comforts and even life for the sake of India’s independence.
All these factors contributed to India’s rich cultural heritage.