Main aims and objectives of teaching local geography are given below:
Local Geography is a part of Geography at large. It is studied in the wider perspective of the aims and objects of the teaching of Geography.
It also has certain immediate objects. The first object is to link the study of the local Geography with the Geography of the world. Truly speaking study of the local Geography is the study of the World Geography in miniature.
In this way it is possible to understand the Geography of the world in the proper manner. In short, following are the aims and objects of the study of local Geography: –
(1) It helps in the study of the future Geography. Actually it is the local practical study of the Geography which enables the students to understand and realise the wider perspective of the Geography. Through the study of local Geography it is possible to have a clear picture of the geographical control.
(2) The psychological principle of the teaching of a subject is to proceed from concrete to abstract. Local Geography gives the concrete knowledge of certain facts. It also helps teaching of the subject on the basis of maxim of proceeding from known to unknown. Local Geography is a known fact and the Geography of the world is unknown. It is, therefore, advisable to proceed from Local Geography to the Geography of the whole world.
(3) To have a clear picture of the geographical factors, it is wise to study the local Geography. In fact local Geography is a medium of the study of Geography at large.
(4) The study of the local Geography helps the imagination of the students. On the basis of the knowledge gained it is possible for the students to have a realistic imagination about the things they have not seen. A student may have seen a hill. On the basis of this knowledge he can imagine about Himalayas.
(5) Through the study of local Geography it is possible to have an idea of the study of Geography in its complete from. In fact local Geography is a part of the whole of Geography. By study of the local Geography it is possible to connect it with the whole of it.
(6) By seeing the local Geography, such as markets, centres of industry and trade etc. it is possible to follow easily the changes that take place and may take place in the world at large.
(7) Local Geography can be studied in co-relation with History, Civics, General Science, etc. If these subjects the correlate at the local level; they can be properly understood at higher level.
(8) The direct knowledge of the local Geography provides a scientific background for the study of Geography.