Tour means to travel round. Different people make tour for different purposes. Hence, we her the names like touring officer, touring court, touring cinema and so on. Some people tour by train or bus. Some tour by motorcars. Some by bicycles. But there are some who like tour on foot. Their tour is the walking tour.
Who like to take walking tour:
There are a class of people who are called tourists. Some of them do not like the artificial conveyance. They love to mix with the nature. So, they like to tour by walking. Some people tour by walking to satisfy their nature of work. Once Gandhiji had a walking tour all over India, in order to get an accurate idea about the condition of the Indian mass at large. If we see, we can record some adventurous young tourists who have walked the whole world on their feet.
Walking tour is useful in many respects. It is a source of health and happiness. Man gets inspiration direct form nature. He enjoys a kind of divine feeling. He moves through the beauty of God’s creation. walking is the most natural kind of travel. Man had been walking all the time till he had invented his first conveyance.
Walking tour is time taking, no doubt. This is the main disqualification with it. But there are other disqualifications too. Man cannot take with him most of his necessary articles for fear of heat and loads of luggage.
In ancient times great tourists like Hentasang and Fahien took to walking tour. Even now, there are people who like the tour by walking. However, we should not take to conveyances where to tour by walking will serve our purpose better.