Social service is a very good quality with some people. But each and everybody should culture this habit. A social servant is welcomed everywhere. Because he is the most useful member of the society. He knows his duty to his society.

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Why we should do social service:
Man lives in the society. He learns speech, manners and philosophy in his society. He works and moves in the society. He earns his livelihood in the society. Society gives protection to his life and property. So, everybody should serve the society to the best of his capacity.
Field for social service:
There is a large field for social service. One can serve the society to his heart’s content. We can help the poor, the needy, the crippled and the handicapped. This is social service. We can teach reading and writing to the illiterate people. We can try to bring about prohibition. We can educate the public to cast off their superstitions and blind faiths. We can try to remove untouchability. These are all social services. We should not do what will harm our neighbors. We should not do what will harm our society. We should not make the public road or public place dirty. We should get ourselves vaccinated and we should advise other people to do the same thing for themselves. We should put out the house-fire, rescue the drowning man and carry the sick or the wounded to the hospital. These are all social service. To enlighten the farmers about the modern method of farming is a social service. so, any work that is beneficial and useful for the society is social service.
Social service is no doubt, a very good quality. By social service we directly help the society, but indirectly we help ourselves also. the well-being of the society means the well-being or its individual members. We are too, some of these members. Hence, we are also benefited. However, we should not think of social service, because it is a virtue, a good quality and a socially useful activity.