If you are a student of this institution then you are grab the opportunity to earn $ 2000 by participating and winning the Alpha Omega Alpha Helen H. Glaser Student Essay Contest.
To encourage medical students to address nontechnical topics in medicine, Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society instituted this competition to recognize and reward excellent and thoughtful student compositions.
$2000 first, $750 second, $500 third, and honorable mention awards of $250 each. Prizes will be paid after the receipt of required documentation (see Requirements for winning essays, below).
Authors must be enrolled at medical schools with active chapters (Class of 2009 or later), but need not be members of . Only one entry may be submitted by an author.
Entries must be postmarked no later than January 31, 2009, and sent by first-class mail, express mail, or by courier. Winners will be announced about May 1, 2009.
Requirements for the essays:
The paper must not have been offered to or published by any other journal and must be submitted to The Pharos, the official publication of , which has the right of first refusal.
Requirements for winning essays
When notified that they have received an award, authors of all winning papers must provide documentation of references in photocopy as follows: title pages of all books cited; the first and last pages of book chapters cited; the table of contents of the particular issue of the journal in which a cited article appeared; all quotations, from the primary sources, including page numbers. The author’s Social Security number will be required for payment of the award. Errata: Authors may present their essays at national meetings. Papers not accepted for The Pharos but published elsewhere should include the following acknowledgment: Submitted as an entry in the 2009 Alpha Omega Alpha Student Essay Competition.