‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ is an oft-quoted saying. But now-a-days the reverse of it is more true. In modern business, ‘invention’ is mother of necessity.
In this age of machinery, new things are produced everyday. Market is created for these things through advertisement Businessmen advertise their goods in various ways and thus spread a knowledge of their goods among the customers.
It is through advertisement that people begin to feel a need for even those goods of which they had never heard before. Advertisement creates demand. it is the backbone of commerce and Industry. No business can stay in the business world without advertisement. A successful businessman is one who snatches away money from even the most miserly and reluctant customer. Thus, the business world rotates on the pivot of advertisement.
As the world is progressing, so the means of advertisement are also increasing. We all know that big posters are pasted on the walls, and handbills are distributed to advance the sale of goods. Walls are painted and big signboards are displayed on crossings and prominent places to serve this purpose. In a cinema hall, first of all we see the advertisement slides. A major part of the daily newspapers is full of advertisement. ‘Situations Vacant’, ‘Tender Notice’, ‘Educational’, ‘Lost and Found’, ‘Matrimonial’, cinema advertisements, and advertisements of so many other commodities are regular features of all newspapers. Radio and Television also are being used as means of commercial advertisement.

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A good advertisement must have certain qualities. First, it should be based on human-psychology. A thing meant for ladies, should be advertised in such a way that they are attracted towards it. If men are to be customers, then it should appeal to their tastes. Goods for different income groups should be advertised, taking into consideration their purchasing power. A motor car is a thing for the rich. Its advertisement must be touch the mentality of the rich. Usha Sewing Machine should be advertised in such a way that the family man, with ordinary income, may feel the economic advantages of the investment of his money on it.
Secondly, advertisements should be attractive. This is very essential. People look towards an advertisement only if it is eye-catching. Good, interesting pictures are very effective form this point of view. We all know about ‘Sanforised cloth’. The advertisements to show that quality of the cloth display a man wearing a suit of non-sanforized cloth. He appears funny and uncomfortable as his suit has gone out of fit by washing. Another man is shown wearing a suit of ‘Sanforised cloth’. How smart and active he appears. We immediately learn that ‘Sanforised cloth’ is best because it does not shrink. So a good advertisement must be interesting, attractive and eye-catching. But proper sanctity must be maintained and unnecessary exposure must be avoided. It must also be frequently repeated, otherwise people forget all about the goods advertised.
People do not like to waste their time on things which do not concern them. So to be successful, advertisement must be brief. Long descriptive stories or certificates of praise about certain thing do not make good advertisement. This is an important point in advertising and a good advertiser must keep it in mind.
Advertisements are not concerned with the good or bad quality of goods. Even the most injurious goods are advertised these days. Advertisements of undesirable drugs and medicines and indecent literature, so common. They simply cheat the public. So we should be careful while purchasing an advertised article. We should use our own mind, instead of blindly following the advice of the advertisement.
In our country, the art of advertising is in its infancy. in progressive countries, like America, big business concerns have specialists and experts for this purpose. They spend huge amounts of money on advertisement. But it is not so in our country. Some businessmen consider their products to be very superior. They think advertisement unnecessary. This is undesirable. To get success in business every big or small business-concern must make effective us of art of advertising goods. To run a business without its aid is not possible in the modern age.