A number of functions are held every year in schools and colleges. In my college also several functions take place every year. The most important of them is the annual prize distribution function. This year the prize distribution function was held on the 4th of January.

Image Source: lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7LCpVBjsDkQ/TYhvFLTutOI/AAAAAAAAAH4/fSVomo-tPCA/s1600/IMG_5375.JPG
Great preparations were made for it several days before the fixed date. The college building was white-washed and the shutters were all varnished. The college compound was also well-cleaned. Invitations were extended to the gentry of the city. The Director of Education was invited to presided over the function and to give away the prizes. A day before the fixed date, the college compound and the college hall were decorated with Buntings. Well decorated gates and paths were prepared for the welcome of the guest. On the day of the function, water was sprinkled all over the compound. Necessary seating arrangement was also made in the big hall of the college.
As the time drew near, the invited guests began to arrive. They were received at the gate by some professors and members of the students’ union and were conducted to the seats meant for them. The chief guest arrived with the Principal and the Honorary Secretary of the College. He was well garlanded at the gate and given a hearty welcome. Amid cheers, he was taken to the college hall and requested by the Principal to take his seat.
The function now began. First of all the national anthem was sung by some girl students of the college. Then the Principal delivered a brief welcome speech and introduced the chief guest to the assembled people. Then the Secretary of the college Students’ Union read the annual report of the Union in which he gave a detailed account of the Union activities and the work done by it during the session. He was followed by other students who either gave short speeches or recited short poems. Poems were recited both in Hindi and English; some of them were liked by the guests.
Then came the time of prize distribution. The chief guest gave away the prizes. Prizes were given for games and sports, for various social activities, for standing first in various examinations, and for good character and regular attendance. Prizes were also given to the members of the students’ union, to Prefects and to students who had held various other posts during the session. Shields, cups, medals certificates, books, articles of dress, etc., were the various prizes that were awarded. As each winner received his prize, he was loudly cheered by all assembled. The chief guest shook hands with every one of them.
In the end, the chief guest stood up to deliver his Presidential address. He thanked the college authorities and the members of the staff for their hospitality and the honor they had done to him by electing him president of the function. He congratulated the prize winners and wished them all success in life. Lastly, he praised the Principal for his admirable administration. The Principal then thanked him for the trouble he had taken in coming to the college.
In this way, the function came to an end. The chief guest, the members of the staff, and the gentry, then went to take tea and the students dispersed. We all felt that the function was a grand success. We had enjoyed the day and now returned home happily.