Idealism and Discipline
Idealism believes that there can be no spiritual development of the child without discipline. They give importance to impressionistic discipline in comparison to expressionistic discipline.
They assert that the teacher should gain respect from the child by his affectionate and sympathetic behavior and then motivate him by his praiseworthy ideals. Idealist believes in guided freedom and strict discipline.
Children must endure a restraint on freedom. Self insight and self analysis are the main disciplinary factors. Teacher’s guidance is essential.
The discipline is not to be imposed on pupils. The teacher has only to help them to develop self discipline through that self knowledge. To them freedom is not means but it is an end. Idealists are the supporters of self discipline.
They are not in favour of militant discipline. They want to combine humility, courtesy, obedience and subordination in discipline. This approach signifies effective discipline.
Idealism and Student
Idealists have imagined an ideal student. To Bogoslovasky, “The student is a finite person, growing, when properly educated into the image of an infinite person.” Idealists give more importance to thoughts and secondary place to student in the educational process.
They consider a child under the control of the teacher. Teacher is the maker of his destiny. A student must obey his teacher.
The order of his teacher is supreme for him and he must follow it. Other directions may be ignored. A student must have qualities like respect towards his teacher. The relationship between teacher and taught must be positive and congenial.
Idealism and Teacher
According to Gentile, ‘Teacher is a spiritual symbol of right conduct’. Teacher leads a child toward absolute perfection. That is why he is considered as pilot of God in perfecting man. He provides to the child the knowledge of his cultural heritage. He is the priest of man’s spiritual heritage.
He tells the child the way to reach God. He is a living ideal. Children imitate him. His personality therefore must be ideal. He acts as a friend, philosopher and guide.
According to Aurobindo, “The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught. The teacher is not instructor or task master; he is helper and guide. His business is to suggest and guide and not to impose.
He does not impart knowledge to him; he shows him how to acquire knowledge for himself. In idealistic philosophy the teacher has a very important role to play in education as he has to lead the pupil from darkness to light and he has to help him in development of his personality.