Boy- May I come in, Sir?

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Headmaster- Yes, You may.
Boy- Good morning, Sir.
Headmaster- Good morning, my boy. What can I do for you?
Boy- Will you are kind enough to admit me to your school?
Headmaster- Which school are you coming from?
Boy- From a village school, Sir, a few miles off Jamshedpur.
Headmaster- Why do you like to change your school?
Boy- I like to be admitted to a town school where there is keen competition.
Headmaster- which stream does you like to take up?
Boy- Science stream, sir.
Headmaster- Have you got your progress report with you?
Boy- Yes, Sir. Here it is.
Headmaster- I see you have stood first and secured good marks in Mathematics. Still, you shall have to sit for an admission test.
Boy- When shall I sit for it, Sir?
Headmaster- Tomorrow at 11 a.m. comes with paper and pencil. Have you got your transfer certificate?
Boy- Yes, I have.
Headmaster- All right. If you pass the test, I shall be glad to admit you. Good-bye!
Boy- Thank you, Sir. Good-bye!