The following are the most common trends in the employment pattern:
I. Declining stability and security in employment

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II. Declining labour intensity.
III. A growing irregular labour force due to extensive use of casual, contract, contingent, part-time, temporary, fixed-term, job-sharing, atypical, non-core/peripheral labour.
IV. Shift from contract of service (employment) to contract for service (self-employment/ business relationships).
V. Increase in home-based work and the consequent blurring of the gap between work and home when work is home and home is work.
VI. Declining and/or extinction of a few occupations and the birth of a few others (Tom Peters, Time Magazine, May 2000).
VII. Declining mutual commitment: erosion of the concept of one person-one skill-one job-one Company.
VIII. Declining influence of trade unions.