Business Studies Question Paper Year – 1998.
Group – A

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1. Explain the following serially in not more than two sentences each:
- Commerce
- Partnership deed
- Mail order business
- Active partner
- Chartered company
- Naked debenture
- Departmental company
- Statutory corporation
- Double insurance
- Balance of trade
2. Answer the following questions serially in not more than two sentences each.
- State any two examples of manufacturing business.
- How does a profession differ from business?
- Who is a promoter?
- Which type of company can invite subscription from the public?
- Which type of company can start business after receiving the certificate of incorporation?
- A business house is owned by six persons. How will you know as to whether it is partnership business or a private limited company?
- A cooperative society has been formed with ten members. Why can it not be called a partnership business?
- What is the main difference between a public limited company and a public enterprise?
- What is warehousing?
- When should an insurance company reinsure the subject matter?
Group – B
3. Write short notes on any six of the following.
- Difference between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
- Characteristics of a joint stock company.
- Difference between fire insurance and marine insurance.
- Functions of a warehouse.
- A chart showing different types of trade.
- Disadvantages of Joint Stock Company.
- A comparative study of water and air transport.
- Services rendered by a wholesaler.
Group – C
Answer any four of the following question:
4. Business Organisation is a study of business activities. Justify.
5. Describe the steps which are taken at the time of forming a joint stock company.
6. Enumerate the differences between a sole trading concern and a partnership business.
7. Discuss the nature and importance of foreign trade.
8. Mention the differences between a wholesale trade and a retail trade.
9. What is a Partnership Deed? Discuss its contents