There is need of suitable population policy in India. After examining the nature and growth of Indian, population, the demographic expert, and former planning minister Dr. Chandrasekhar has said “India’s bed rooms are more fertile than India’s oil and child producing has become a big cottage industry in India.
Population policy means “policy or programme recognized by the Govt. which is capable of encouraging population growth or its control” Prof. Jerao has defined, in population policy we include all those measures which are used to solve population growth and control over the population. Prof. Gurrer Mydral has defined population policy in this way population policy can be nothing than a social policy at large.
If practical social sciences is not on a there is a probable danger that population policy will be rationally narrowed down and forced into remedial quackery. Population programme must work itself into other while fabric of social life arid inter penetrate and be interpenetrated by all other measures of social change.
6 Important features of Population Policy:
The following are some of the important feature of population policy in India:
1. Reducing Death Rate:
Morality is an undesirable characteristics Indian population policy.
2. Reducing of Birth Rate:
The government has been making effort to, reduce the birthrate to reduce the growth rate of population. Measure adopted for the purpose include popularizing sterilization, increasing the use of different birth control devices spread of education among introduction of poverty alleviation programme raising the minimum age of marriage etc .
3. Voluntary approach:
The population policy adopted by our country is based on Voluntary approach. No one is forced adopt family planning measures. The policy aims at implementing family welfare measures with the help of voluntary co-operation of the people. Some of the measures taken by the Govt. include emphasis on the nature of the programme securing the co-operation of rural institutions and Panchayatraj bodies.
4. Wide approach:
The population policy of India has adopted a wide and integrated approach for control of population growth. It includes various family welfare measures for improvement of the health of mothers and children and nutrition programmes etc. Reproductive and child Health (RCH) approach was accepted in 1995.
5. Population Education:
Steps have on taken to educate children and adults make them conscious about the problem of population explosion and to realize the need of population control. Family welfare advertisements are made in Medias like T.V. radio and newspapers.
6. Incentives:
In order to popularize the birth control measurers under, family welfare programme incentives are offered by the Govt. to that individual’s couples or groups .These incentives are given in cash or kind.