In my last post I told you about How I Found my Future in Infolinks ?. In this post I’ll unveil some of the intellects why bloggers should considers using Infolinks as a way to make money from blogging.

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From last 3 months I am earning hundreds of dollars from my blog by implementing Infolinks in-text advertising program. Many of my close friends who are the owners of some of the high ranked blogs and website are earning more than $ 1000 a month from this Contextual ads company. In my coming posts I’ll be posting their interviews and videos, so keep visiting this blog.
Now what I like exciting about Infolinks is that it links texts to revenue. You can also use other advertising programs like Banner ads, Affiliated ads or anything with Infolinks without any problem. So thousands of blogger are using this program for getting the most out of their web-contents. Infolinks continues to be one of my biggest income source. Let me explore some reasons I found reasonable for considering Infolinks in your Blog.
Infolinks – Wacky Double with a Bubble
Top 10 Reasons
1. Big or small doesn’t matters
There is an old quote, “Wait for high traffic and die out of old age.” Growing your Blog is just like gardening. For cultivating his blog a new blogger with less traffic needs to do many thing like content creation, Backlinks creation, SEO and etc . During his early days he needs money to survive – to pay his hosting bills, electricity bills, internet bills and etc. Some ad network companies doesn’t have any rooms for low traffic websites, I don’t know why, they have a minimum traffic levels before they’ll accept you into their program- but not Infolinks. Infolinks ideology goes like this :
Infolinks takes pride in the effortless integration process and the high revenue stream that the Infolinks In-Text ads generate to online publishers. As such, the Infolinks platform is open to any online publisher, big or small, with no setup fees, no minimum requirements for page views or visitors and no hidden commitments.
2. Universal Traffic
One of the biggest problems faced by the bloggers or webmasters is the problem of not getting adequate traffic from USA. These bloggers find much difficulties is finding out ad networks because many advertising networks simply don’t accept publishers having non US traffic. Blogger from Asian countries make very low revenue from lower paying ads on their websites. Infolinks doesn’t come under this category. It have royal advertisers from all over the world, and thus is able to provide ads to US as well as to Non-US publishers. So don’t feel inferiors if you don’t have adequate US traffic, because Infolinks is always with you.
3. Simple to Use
In early days of my blogging career, I have tested many ads networks for making decent money from my blog. The most solid reason I bound myself with Infolinks was that I could install Infolinks code on my blog within minutes without any technical problems. It can be easily used on Plain HTML sites, Content Management sites as well as on other dynamic portals. So blogger using WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or anything can implement Infolinks ads-code within no time on their respective blogs. This makes it ideal for the beginner wanting to experiment for the first time with an advertising network.
4 . Solid Foundation
Infolinks Inc is a multi-million dollar company having a solid foundation and market leadership in the field of in-text advertisement. They have a wide range of advertisers from different geographical zones. Their motto is not about quantity but about quality. They accept completing publisher and gives high revenue ads to their websites/blogs. So at the end of the day, you will find that you have made the right decision by using Infolinks.
5. Rare Niche
Generally, other than Google adsense, the rest of the ad-network companies focus on providing advertisements according to your blog niche. Some provide high revenue to tech site while some provide high revenue to entertainment related website and the rest don’t provide any revenue at all. But Infolinks links text to ads and thus it is not limited to any niche or traffic. So it doesn’t matter whether your blog is based on entertainment, education, career, healthy or etc, Infolinks will always provide high revenue ads to your web-content.
6. Use it for Peace
Peace is important. No money can outweigh the benefits of the peace of mind, body and soul. What I want to say here, is Set Infolinks and Forget it. Professional bloggers like me, are always busy in creating compelling contents for their blog, they do also have many other things to do, like back link creation, SEO, back-ups and etc. Really, they don’t have any time to email, phone call, approach and negotiate with the advertisement provider for the release of earning. Simply implement Infolinks on you site, verify you account, update you Paypal information and forget it. The rest of the work is done by Infolinks. It will regularly transfer all your earning to Paypal account. So with it you just saved your precious time, energy and money.
7. Friendly with other Ad Types
Infolinks is very friendly with other ads types. You can continue using other ad types like Adsense, Double Click, Komli Ads and etc with Infolinks programs. So you will continue earning from your old ad-provider along with Infolinks. It give a new dimension to your earning streams. So you can use Infolinks in all your old as well as new blogs without any hindrances of limitations.
8. Authentic Payment
From last few months my friends as well as other general visitors of my blog are putting on me the very old question. They are asking “How do we know if they will pay up?”. Well their question is reasonable because at present there are many fraud companies looting away bloggers time, energy, money and traffic. But Infolinks doesn’t come under any of these categories. It’s a genuine company, but I do receive hundred of dollars per month from them and so does my friends. I have seen some of the six figure earning bloggers like Amit Agarwal are also using this program on there network of blogs and websites. My payment come in like clockwork and not a single time I had any problems regarding payment issues.
9. Paypal Rocks
The bloggers fraternity doesn’t like those ad-networks that takes money from the advertisers thought both online (Paypal) and offline methods (Cheque and Cash) but when it comes to pay to the publishers they don’t give payment through Paypal. Rather, what they prefer is to send cheque by post. Personally speaking, such cheque may take 20-30 days to reach a blogger who stays miles away (different county) from the Ad-Network Company. Then for bank clearance another 20-30 days are wasted. So mathematically some 60 days (2 moths) are wasted for getting payment. Well, Infolinks takes the advantages of Paypal System to release earning to the publishers.
10. Add you own points
In this post I have jotted down some 9 significant points that encouraged me to bound myself with Infolinks. I want you, to write down the 10th point in the below given comment system. Waiting for your comments ….