A disease either infectious or toxic in nature and caused by agents that enter the body through the ingestion of food is known as food borne diseases. Food borne infection can be caused by the organisms growing in food in large numbers. Typhoid, cholera are caused by bacteria, vital hepatitis and gastroenteritis are caused by virus. Food borne infections result from poisonous plants and animals, micro-organisms and poisoning by chemicals. The food borne disease can be classified under two categories-food borne infectious and food borne in toxication .

Image Source: good-legal-advice.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/food-poisoning-lawyer-tainted-food-and-symptoms-of-food-poisoning-infographic.jpg
Food such as corn, beans, peas, meat and fish are likely to be contaminated and produce toxins in foods. Similarly boils and wounds being infected are potential sources. Even cowsa affected by a disease called mastitis could discharge stap hylococci into milk. Food containing these toxins may cause salivation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea.
Chemicals like arsenic, antimony, cadmium can enter the food from improperly coated utensils. Insecticides also contaminate food. So all types of vegetables must be properly washed before use.
The incidence of food borne disease can be reduced with the following healthy practices. Food should be cooked at a high temperature to ensure that bacteria are killed. All perishable foods should be kept in a cool place or in refrigeration. Food should not be left uncovered. Food should be carefully washed to ensure the removal of insecticides, worms etc. care should be taken to keep the food and utensil free from contamination by disease producing organisms.