City Name
Writing Date
Dear Shanu
Hope this letter finds you and Jijajee in the best of health and high spirits.
Even since you left for Mumbai with Jijajee, you haven’t communicated with us; either you have forgotten us including your friends or you are angry with everybody here. Hope we have not done or said anything that displeased you. Everybody is worried about you. Are you okay?
Tell me how you and Jijajee are? What keeps you from writing for such a long time? What do you do all the day while Jijajee is away? How do you manage your new life? I know you are a smart girl and will manage everything perfectly.
Do write about any further delay and write regularly. Mummy and Papa, both are conveying you and Jijajee their blessings. Say my hello to Jijajee. I miss you a lot.
Your loving brother
Reply from the sister to her brother
City Name
Writing Date
My dearest brother Sanjeev
I am delighted to receive your first letter that arrived just now. First of all, I beg your pardon for my inability to write any letter. Actually, after coming to Mumbai, we became busy with shopping for the necessities for your new home and arranging our new flat. I was also busy, visiting various places in Mumbai and attending dinners, hosted by your Jijajee’s friends.
Anyway, it is indeed my mistake that I couldn’t write any letter. How could you expect me to forget my family members; Mom, Papa and you? I miss you all very much and promise to write regularly from now on.
Rest is fine here. Your Jijajee takes care of me. He conveys his regards to Mom and Papa and Namaste to you.
Your loving sister

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