Infolinks needs no introduction in the webmasters or bloggers fraternity. But if you are just landed over, the online business arena, and are excited to learn about some incredible ways to earn revenue from your website or blog then let me assure you, that this article will put a full stop to your haphazard search for In-text Advertising programes. Believe me, you are going to have the maximum earnings out of your website/blog after reading this article.

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Infolinks – Wacky Double with a Bubble
About Infolinks
In simple terms, Infolinks (Infolinks Inc) was established in 2007 and has successfully implemented its unique business model to convert link text to revenue. Within no time, it penetrated the online ads market and has become the web blogger choice brand in the field of In-Text Advertising service, working with online content publishers worldwide. It enables website/blog owners to sign up as publishers for getting the benefit from premium In-text ads while earning the highest revenue share-guaranteed.
How I Found my Future
It was a bright Sunday here at India On 4th October 2009, and I was enjoying the hot coffee while browsing blogs of my fellow friends. What I noticed that many of them are using ‘ Infolinks ‘ for getting extra revenues from their respective blogs and websites. I was fascinated to see how links are converted to advisement, so I emailed my friend to know his comment on the newly used program. Simultaneously the very first question bubbled in my mind is that Can Infolinks be used with Google adsense ?
Immediately, I Googled about the topic and was glad to find that it can be perfectly used with other advertising networks like Google adsense and double-click. Then, I came across an article titled “Infolinks – it’s time to believe the hype” in which the author have given a positive review about Infolinks with a dashing “Revenue Screen Shot’ and mentioned therein, that they have earned $39.49 within just seven days, which mathematically seems to give a Daily Average figure of $ 5.64.
I was surprised to see that a website with Alexa ranks 154,878 is earning such high revenue. On the next day, my friend also gave me a positive review. So I made up my mind, for signing up for this Contextual ads program. On 10th October 2009 I signed up for Infolinks and on the very next day my request was approved. It was very easy for me to implement the ads code on my Joomla site.
Fortunately I am not addicted to the bad habit of logging in the the account and checking the earning every day. I am afraid some bloggers do check their earnings several hundred times within a day. God help them. Anyhow, after 2 or 3 weeks when I opened my Infolinks publisher account, I was bit surprised to noticed that I have already earned $102.47 within no time. It was awesome. After my account was verified, all my earnings were straightway given to Paypal account. And the good thing about Infolinks is that, unlike other alternative programs, you don’t have to ask them each time for getting your earning to your Paypal.
If you ask me, what is the best thing I found in Infolinks ? Then certainly my answers would be, “In Infolinks I found my Future“. Yes! definitely I am achieving, and in future I will achieve a lot more, with Infolinks. According to my statistics an average blogger can easily make $ 200 per month by implementing Infolinks in his site. While a professional blogger/website owner with high traffic, compelling content and niche leadership can make $ 2000 a month from it. I am proud to be an Infolinkssian . Are you ?
3 Tips for Improving your Earning
Yes ! You can now improve you Infolinks earning to a greater extent by just following the below given three self-tested methods.
1. Change your link color
Change your link color (Highlight Color) to deep blue (general hyperlink color). According to me, the visitors by default treat the blue color links as Hyperlinks and thus you will get more clicks on it. For this Log in to your account – Go to – My Account – Integration Guide. Then scroll down to “Advanced Integration Wizard.” From the Set links highlight color pick a deep blue color.
2. Set the Max number of links per page to 12
Set the Max number of links per page to 12. For this : Log in to your account – Go to – My Account – Integration Guide. Then scroll down to Max Allowed Number of Highlighted Links per Page. You will notice a red color slider – drag it to extreme right (12).
3. Write Long Article
I personally discovered that Infolinks displays more Highlighted Links in those pages with contains long compelling articles. In bloggers fraternity we focus on writing two types of article (a) Short Article (b) Pillar Article. Pillar articles are generally long articles which contains some 2000 – 3000 words whereas Short Article contains 100 to 400 words. So concentrate more on Pillar Articles because its good for SEO as well as for increasing Infolinks earnings.
Every month I make hundreds of dollar’s from this incredible Contextual ads program. Thus I am 100% satisfied with the highest Revenue and instant Support got from the Infolinks Inc. Really Infolinks has added a new dimension to my online earning system. So what are you waiting for ? Awake up, at this stoke of time, and join the Infolinks Publisher Community : – Click here.
Thank you for reading this article. I will be glad to hear from you about your experience with Infolinks in the below given comment system.