No two men are alike. People differ widely in their nature. Some people are of sweet nature. They are loved by all. Everyone wants to win their friendship. On the other hand, there are people who are ill-tempered. They easily offend others. “Birds of a feather flock together”, is an oft quoted saying. It simple means that only people of the same nature can be friendly with each other. Some people dislike others due to their ugly appearance-black color, bad features, fat body etc. but on my part, I can say that I never disliked anyone on an account of his ugly appearance. I only dislike those nature is not good and who have a defective character. Thus, I dislike ill-tempered people.

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Fashion is another of my pet aversions. Now-a-days people are becoming more and more fashion-minded. They may not eat well, but they like to put on costly dresses. Students come to the classes with combs in their pockets. They comb their hair while the professor is lecturing. Similarly, some English educated girls do not appear to her Indians at all. They madly copy the western culture. They waste hours together in dressing their hair and painting their faces with cream, powder, lip-stick, cheek-stick and what not. Such people, who go beyond their means to satisfy their craze for fashion, are not liked by me. Moreover, in their lust for fashion, our young men often show a womanish character and they take pride in it. Such people are dislike by me.
I am not against English literature, or the English language itself. But at the same time I abhor those who talk in English even in their homes. I have seen people who talk in English even to those who know little of it. They want to impose and show their superiority over others by doing so. I consider this habit, mean and objectionable. Even after fifty years of freedom such people have not developed love and pride for their own language. They have slavish mentality. Hence they are the objects of my dislike.
Of the various evils of which we have become victims, smoking is one. Wherever you go smokes will be there with cigarettes in their mouth. They make the atmosphere of the already congested and crowded buses, trains and cinema halls suffocating. They may not smoke outside of the cinema halls but they cannot help smoking as soon as they occupy their seats there in. they care neither for the law which prohibits them from smoking at such places nor the displeasure of their neighbors. Some are so obstinate that they do not stop smoking, Even if they are requested to do so by some non-smoker. I do not simple dislike such people, I heat them.
There are people who make promises but do not keep them. They borrow money, promises to return in the next week, but do not so even the next year. Students borrow books from their friends for a day, but do not return them ever after a month. I do not like this habit. Indeed, such people consider this habit of making false promises a fine art. They do not think about the loss which they cause to others. I always try to keep such people at an arm’s length.
The problem of indiscipline is not confined to the class rooms or to the school and colleges alone. Even mature and responsible people behave in an indiscipline way go to the office, or the railway station, or the cinema hall and you will find men of position behaving in an in disciplined way. They think it an insult to stand in the queue. They pushed others and try to get their work done at earliest. I dislike such in disciplined persons.
I am very particular about good manners. So those who are ill-mannered are not liked by me. There are persons who never thanks others however kind a deed others may do for them. Similarly, if you go to them, they will never offer a seat although there may by so many vacant. They do not address their juniors and sub-ordinates properly. They do not show even ordinary courtesy to others. Such discourteous and ill-mannered people are never tolerated by me. Many people act like spies. Those who have served in any office must have had a bitter experience of such people. They are known as black-sheep. Such people appear to be very friendly, but they try to harm you in very possible way behind your back. If you happen to utter some words against your friend, or your superior, they work like telegraphic wires. I always avoid the company of such people. This habit of back biting is strongly disliked by me.
Some people think themselves to be very clever and shrewd. They seem to think that three-fourths wisdom of the world lies in their head and that the remaining one fourth is distributed among the rest of the world. The main characteristic of such people is their habit of boasting. They are never tired of praising themselves. Besides this, they never find any good in others. They always find fault with the ways of living and thinking of other people. I feet that no sensible man would like to keep company with them. I have a particular dislike for such people.
But today, the world is changing swiftly. Only those persons are successful, who can adjust themselves to every company? Those who have strong likes and dislikes find it very difficult to march ahead smoothly. So in spite of my strong dislike, I try to adjust myself even to people I dislike. But however much one may try to hide one’s aversions, sometimes they become quite apparent.