The University Grants Commission, based on the initiative of Ministry of HRD, had introduced, from the year 2005-06, Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl child with purpose of supporting higher education through scholarship to such girls who happen to be only child in their families and also to provide incentive for the parents to observe small family norm.

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Any single girl child being the only child of her parents is eligible under the scheme. The benefit under scheme will be available to such a single girl child who has taken admission in first year of a Master’s degree programmes in any recorgnized university or a post-gradute college during the current year i.e. 2009-11.
Rate of Scholarship : Rs. 2000/- p.m.
Duration of Scholarship : 2 years (for 10 months in a year)
Number of Scholarships per year : 1200
It is expected from the University/PG College/ Institution where such students have taken admission in first year of PG Course during academic session 2008-10 that no tuition fee will be charged from such girls should they decide to pursue their Master’s Degree in university & colleges covered under 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act.
Other Conditions
- The scheme is for non-professional courses only at P.G. level. The scheme is applicable to such students who have taken admissions in regular, full-time Master Degree course in any recognized University / Institution or a Post Graduate college. Distance mode of education is not covered.
- A student who is awarded this Indira Gandhi Post-Graduate scholarship will not be debarred from accepting any other scholarship.
- A student desirous of leaving the studies mid-day without completing the PG degree will have to take prior approval from the UGC by submitting an application along with justification through the concerned University / College / Institution. Any student who discontinues the studies without prior approval of the UGC will have to refund the whole amount and the concerned institution will be responsible for this refund.
- The University / College / Institution has to submit a certificate of completion of the PG Course in respect of each student availing this scholarship.
- Affidavit on Rs. 50/- Stamp Paper from SDM/ First Class Magistrate/ Gazetted Officers (not below the rank of Tehsildar) conforming that she is the only child in her family without having any brother.
Documents to be submitted at the time of application
- Application is prescribed format.
- Proof of admission to 1st Year Master’s degree course in a recognized Indian University / College/ Insitution.
- Joining REport from the Institution were the candidate has taken admission for PG Course (Annexure-1).
- An affidavit Rs. 50/- Stamp Paper from the parents / girl duly attested by the SDM/ First class Magistrate/ Gazetted officer 9not below the rank of Tehsildar) copying the same language mentioned at (Annexure-II).
- Matriculation Certificate.
Procedure for Application
- Eligible student who are pursuing postgraduate 1st year course in the current year, i.e. 2009-10 may submit their applications for this scholarship in the prescribed format with relevant attested copies of all documents.
- The application may be submitted to Mr. Satish Ahuja, Under Secretary (SR-III), University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar marg, New Delhi – 110002 within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in Newspapers.
- Application received after the due date will not be considered. Those who had applied earlier need to apply afresh in response to this advertisement, if they had taken PG admission in the year 2009-10.
- Candidates are advised in their won interest to read guidelines for the scheme which are available on UGC website before submitting application.
- Envelops containing application should be marked prominently as “APPLICATION FOR PG INDIRA GANDHI SCHOLARSHIP FOR SINGLE GIRL CHILD (2009-11)”.