According to the British Model an Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) is a rank which lies just below the rank of Sub-Inspector and in mainly used in Indian Police Department. Formerly it was used in the British Colonial Police forces and also in certain British Police force as well.

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The main duty of an Assistance Sub-Inspector is to assists the Sub-Inspector and may also take the responsibility of the PS (Police Station) in the absence of the Sun-Inspector. In India the Police Head Constables and equivalent Sergeants work under the command of an Assistant Sub-Inspector. In most cases an Assistance Sub-Inspector is directly recruited into the police and have better educational qualification than lower-ranking police officers. Other units such as the Central Armed Reserve Police Force, State Armed Reserve Police and Armed Battalions also use the same system of ranking but they don’t have the investigation powers.
- Assistant Sub-Inspector works under the Sub-Inspector.
- The main duty of the ASI is to assist the Sub-Inspector and Inspector of the Police Station.
- Under the command of the Assistant Sub-Inspector works the Head Constables and equivalent Sergeants.
- He may take the in-charge of the Police Station in the absence of higher authorities.
- He does have investigation power.
- He is one of the respectable officer of Indian Police Station.
- An ASI should poses enough amount of Patriotism.
- He should be able to take unbiased decisions.
- He should be a man of Courage, Dignity and Glory.
- Boldness and Bravery should be his second nature.
- He should be a man of perspective.
- He should be a person of Moral Values and Good Conduct.
- He should be a responsible person of the society.
- He should never under-estimate or over-estimate himself.
- An ASI should never mis-utilize his powers and position.
- An ASI should poses high esteem towards his duty.
- He should also be a technological person with computer skills.
The remuneration of an ASI may vary from 18,000 to 20,000 (approximately). He gets less than the Sub-Inspector.
ASI is one of the most responsible post of the Police Station. A dedicated ASI with do or die attitude for the country may get promotion to higher posts such as Sub-Inspector or Inspector.
Social Status
Money is not everything. A person who is only money oriented may not knock the doors of Police Department for choosing an career as an ASI. The most important thing needs to earn in lifetime is Social Status, Dignity, Power and Glory. An Assistance Sup Inspector gets high social status and is highly respected by all the sergeants who works under him.
Need of the day
The need of the day demands highly qualified persons to Join the Police Department in order to eliminate crime and evils from the society. In many foreign counties by the implementation of latest technology, the department of police, have already got the control over the criminals and are heading towards a crime free society. India needs the same attitude in order to create a better society.
Call of Duty
Your dream for serving the county and the countrymen may be fulfilled to some extend, if you come and join the Indian Police Department as an ASI (Assistant Sub-Inspector).
Pay Scale and Other Allowances of ASI
- Pay Scale – Rs. 5200 -20200 + Grade Pay Rs. 2,800/- per month.
- Other allowances: The post will carry Dearness allowance, Ration Money, Washing Allowance as admissible from time to time, Special Compensatory Allowance while posted in specified border areas, free uniform, free accommodation or HRA, Transport Allowance, Free leave pass and any other allowance as admissible in the force from time to time under the rules / instructions. They will be covered under new restructured defined contributory pension scheme.
A candidate appearing for the test should mention/ intimate if any criminal cases is/are pending/ lodged against him in any police station/ Hon’ble court.
Eligibility Conditions
Age: 18 to 25 years (Cut-off date will be 20/10/2009)
- Relaxable upto five years in the case of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe candidates and three years for OBC candidates and other special categories of personnel in accordance with the orders issued by Central Government from time to time.
- Relaxable upto five years for Departmental candidates and in addition five years age relaxation for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe and three years for Other Backward Classes.
- Upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years to the children and dependent family members of those killed in 1984 riots and riots of 2002 in Gujarat. SC/ST/OBC relaxation as per Govt. instructions will be in addition. Children and dependent family member should produce a certificate to that effect from the Collector of the concerned District where the victim was killed.
- Upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years to all persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st day of January 1980 to 31st day of December 1989.
- Upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years for Govt. servant in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Govt. Persons serving in Govt. /semi govt. department may send their applications through proper channel along with “No Objection Certificate”.
Educational & Other Qualifications
- Intermediate or Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) examination from a recognized Board or University or equivalent.
Medical Standard
- Minimum distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of both eyes without correction, i.e. without wearing spectacles or lenses.
- The candidates must not have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes and they should possess high color vision. They must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interface with the efficient performance of the duties.
Enclosures Required to be Attached with Application
Following be attached with the application form.
- Two latest passport size photographs. (One pasted on application form and another on admit card duly attested by a Gazetted Officer)
- IPO/Bank Drat of Rs. 50/- (For General and OBC Candidates only)
- Two self addressed envelope of 4″x9″ size with Rs. 5/- postage stamps affixed on each envelope.
Documents / Certificate required to be brought at the time of recruitment test
Original certificate along with attested copies of following
- Educational Certificate.
- Date of birth certificate (Matriculation or 10th Class certificate or certificate issued by National Open School/ National Institute of Open School as proof of date of birth.)
- Professional/ experience Certificate.
- Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe / OBC Certificate issued by not lower than Tehsildar or SDM, Note: OBC certificate must be in prescribed Performa as attached at Annexure – ‘IV’.
- Domicile Certificate issued by local revenue authorities for verification of citizenship / for claiming relaxation in height and chest.
Selection Process
The eligible candidates shall be issued Admit cards to appear in recruitment test. The data and place of recruitment test will be indicated in Admit Card. Candidates will have to undergo the following tests
Physical Measurement: Candidates who are found eligible on scrutiny of documents will be screened first for Height, chest and weight measurements.
Physical Efficiency Test: The candidates who are found fit in Physical measurements will be required to qualify Physical Efficiency test consisting of following events:
For Male
- 1.6 kms race to be completed in 6.5 minutes.
- 11 feet long jump (maximum three chances)
- 3.5 feet high jump (maximum three chances)
For Female
- 800 Mtrs race to be completed in 4 minutes.
- 9 feet long jump (maximum three chances)
- 3 feet high jump (maximum three chances)
Written Test: The candidates who qualify in the Physical Efficiency Test will be required to pass the examination in the following papers with prescribed percentage as under:
- Paper-1 General English & Hindi (Objective type) – 2 Hrs – 100 Marks
- Paper-2 General Knowledge (Objective type, bilingual), (Reasoning and simple Arithmetic) – 2 Hrs – 100 Marks
Qualifying Marks
For General Candidates: At least 40% marks in each individual paper and 45% in aggregate.
For SC/ST/OBC candidates: At least 35% Marks in each individual paper and 40% in aggregate.
Skill Test (100 Marks): The candidates who qualify the Written Test will be allowed in the skill test i.e. shorthand and typing.
Interview (20 Marks): The candidate who obtains the prescribed percentage in individual written papers as well as in the Skill tests will be put through interview to check personal bearing, response, aptitude, general level of intelligence etc.
Detailed Medical Examination: Candidates selected in order of merit will be put through Detailed Medical Examination to assess their fitness.
All eligible candidates will be duly informed about the date and venue of the recruitment tests through admit card. Candidates should come duly prepared for 6-7 days stay under their own arrangements at the Recruitment Center. The government shall not be responsible for damage/ injury, if any, to the individual sustained during the Physical Efficiency Test. No TA/DA will be admissible. Incomplete application will be summarily rejected and no correspondence on this will be entertained. No application after the last date as mentioned above will be accepted.